Top Two Invasive Plants in Laurel Park
The two most common and most aggresive are the woody vines: English Ivy (Hedera helix) and Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus)
In 2020, trees along the roadways within Laurel Park were inventoried to quantify infestations.¹
In total, 2,926 trees were inventoried. As illustrated in the chart below, English ivy was the primary vine infesting 66 percent of the trees.
Leatherwood, Bill. 2020. Non-native invasive plant management project for the town of Laurel Park.
Important Fact: There is a second Bittersweet species, commonly known as American Bittersweet. It does not have the same invasive characteristics as Oriental Bittersweet. American Bittersweet is rare in North Carolina and is listed as an endangered species in the state. Distinguishing between the two Bittersweet species can be very difficult. Visit this link for a detailed comparison.
Related: Current List of Invasive Plants Observed in Laurel Park